Monday, June 13, 2011

An Interesting Dream

Last night I had an interesting dream that I thought was worth sharing. Here's a strange fact: I almost never have dreams where I am in college. Maybe it's because I haven't been in college long enough? But they're almost always in high school. And sometimes, it's not even my high school. Sometimes it looks like my high school but it's combined with other schools I've been to in the past. And sometimes there are people in my class I used to know from other schools, but most of the time it's just Portland people. I mean, my head doesn't want to completely confuse me, right? Actually, I don't even realize anything is different until I wake up. Haha, this reminds me of Inception (good movie). 

Anyway, in this dream I actually am in middle school. I know because a girl, Emily Curley, who I knew in middle school, was there. And so was Mr. Smith and Mr. Stekloff, my middle school teachers. We are on a field trip, and we get to stay in what looks like a fancy  hotel. Emily tells me she has to do something and she'll just meet me at the amusement park. I walk out by myself (apparently none of my other friends existed in this dream), and the park is practically empty. It's a bright and sunny day so it isn't really creepy, but I just wonder where everyone is. So after walking around a little and realizing I can't go on any rides by myself, I head back to the hotel. I find myself inside an indoor mini mall. Somehow I know where to go and I enter this shop that leads to the inside of our hotel room. Emily is there and she tells me something but I can't really hear her (either that, or I forget what she said). I realize now that I am hungry (go figure). So I go out into the square that is the mini mall, and it turns into a grocery store. It's then that I realize I don't have any money. I try to take things, but everybody seems to have their eyes on me, so I can't without getting busted. I stuff my hands in my pockets and I decide to just go back to the hotel room. I circle the grocery store and it turns back in the square. But everything is blurry and I can't find the store I have to enter. I know what it looks like, I just can't find it. Finally, I see the store, but it is extremely blurry. I go through the entrance and I am in the hotel room again. But it has more bunk beds, set up kind of like Silver Lake, with girls (Emily is there, too) that look like girls I have met at Silver Lake. Except they all  have different names, and I find I actually know them. But then as I begin talking to them, I find myself forgetting. Emily hands me a big stack of papers to pass back to them, but their names are even harder to remember. And these are strange names I've never heard of before. This one girl that looks very familiar to me with strawberry blond hair and lots of freckles, but she keeps on having to repeat her name. And as I pass out papers, the stack does not get any thinner or lighter. Boys also walk into the room, sitting down with the girls on the beds, as I hustle trying to get the papers back to their owners. I also am short of breath. A swirl of color, and I wake up.

Sorry this was so long. I've told dreams to my mom before, and she is always dumbfounded on how long my dreams actually are. I remember feeling very lost in this dream, and I remember dreams where I have felt lost before: within high schools trying to find classrooms, etc. (The finding classroom thing has happened a lot). So I went to an online "Dream Moods Dictionary" and looked up what feeling lost means.

"To dream that you are lost, suggests that you have lost your direction in life or that you have lost sight of your goals. You may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. If you try to call for help, then it means that you are trying to reach out for support. You are looking for someone to lean on. Alternatively, being lost means that you are still adjusting to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing."

I found this to be not very surprising and very accurate. I hope you enjoyed reading about my dream and hearing about my past dreams.  

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