Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reconnecting With Friends

My friends are the best, but sometimes it's hard to keep in touch with everyone due to busy schedules and (in some cases) lack of technology. These past couple of days have been the best because I got to talk to some girls I haven't talked to, like really talked to, since the last day of classes. Plus, I came home early, so it's been extra long. I'm really excited to get back to school and get back to a busier routine. Getting a job is extra important to me now, so I filled out two applications, one for Portland, so I can have some extra hours during the last few weeks of summer and winter break, etc, and an on-campus job so I can have a job close to my dorm room, no cars required. I'm also really grateful to my friends because they go above and beyond to make things work for me. Driving me around, entertaining me, going along with my crazy ideas without question. Those are the things that make me feel good, and I cannot stress to them enough how grateful I am to every single one of them who have made my life sparkle. <3

College besties. :)

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