Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Ending

Well, I plan to once again block Farmville. I don't know why I ever thought that game to be fun. I sign in earlier today, and someone has sent me a "mystery gift" or whatever they call them now....and I just felt so drained. Thinking about all the cows, horses, etc that I would have to harvest...maybe it's because it was a smaller version before it stopped being fun, so it wasn't as stressful. Farmville isn't the only thing that is ending. Summer is coming to an end as well. I'm in the process of packing right now, and right after this is posted, it's going to be put into my blue side backpack. Or shoulder backpack. I haven't eaten all day, and I just heard Mom is going for a walk with the dog...that's my cue to get a bite to eat. I'm supposed to be going to college tomorrow...I'll let you know if it works out.

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