I traveled a lot this weekend. Saturday morning I hopped the train to New York, my favorite city I've visited so far in my life. I don't know where the Seventeen headquarters are located, but it's a close bet that they're in NYC. Just because EVERYTHING is there. Basically. So we get there, and it starts off shaky because I'm a nervous wreck due to the fact I'm basically traveling on my own. I don't have any close friends with me, so if something happens to me...well, I'm not that confident the people in the club would care. Enough. Well, Sean probably would...and maybe Joe...though, I'm pretty sure he hates me now due to what happened at breakfast that day...but back to New York! We started walking to the UN Center (I kept on seeing UN everywhere and kept on thinking it was un...as in "a" in French...), I suddenly felt this incredible RUSH. Like, OMG I'm in New York City! God, I could LIVE here. And I really could. And I told my fellow people in People to People, and they basically just laughed at me (or thought I was stupid). They didn't understand.
The UN Center was great. We got a tour of the place and some history, which was pretty interesting. The best part was the UN room where representatives from every country and region around the world comes to discuss world issues. Barack Obama himself had stood in that room! Along with a bunch of other well-known leaders.
Afterwards we went to this church where we ate a Norwegian lunch...rice pudding with cinnamon and butter was the main dish. We also had waffles with jelly. It was all good, and it was pretty interesting eating food I would not normally eat.
After that we walked through Central Park. It was such a beautiful day that I didn't even really think about the fact Gossip Girl has been filmed there on numerous occasions (along with so many other shows and movies!). I focused mainly on the incredible beauty around me. The smells of the steak cooking on those portable stoves (enough to make me want a steak), the heat of the sun on my arms, the breeze flying across my cheeks, and the energy of the city passing through my very pores...maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but it really was amazing.
We then split into two groups...one group went on a carriage ride (I had already done it and it was expensive), and my group walked to Times Square...with a couple pit stops on the way. Including a Lego store (hahahahaha, it was really cool), and the Rockefeller Center (where the photos below are). Times Square was definitely great as always...just a little crowded. We were there during rush hour so a lot of people going every which way, cars honking, and police whistles going off. But I'm glad we decided to walk down there.
After that, we decided to head back to the train station. It had been a long day and everyone was broke anyway. We had about a half hour until our next train, so we went downstairs to grab some food. I ate part of my PB&J before deciding it was disgusting...I found it today and decided it was time to thoroughly wash my dishes...like scrubbing. :/ Haha. We caught the 7:07 pm train, and Sean and I actually had a great conversation on the way back. I even ended up telling him things I've only told a few people...we really got close. Too bad he scared me away again with his terrible driving. Once we got back to campus, I promised Kristin I would come visit her at UNH, and he said he would drive me back...a little too scary for my taste. He turned on his GPS and everything...but he didn't USE it. After about five times of him missing the turns, I was like, "Um, what's going on?" That's an exact quote!! I was just so taken aback. He answered with he wanted to take the highway...which makes zero sense, but he was driving, so I didn't argue.
All in all, NYC was awesome...to the very end.
Sorry the pictures are so small...:P