Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fat A$$

Everything about me is big. My butt. My breasts. My hips. My thighs! I even have stretch marks! I overheard the social worker saying that the most fit time of his life was in his 20s. Well, I'm not even 20 yet and I catch my breath just walking up 3 flights of stairs, running laps around the yard, or walking up a stupid hill. I mean, my dog can't even motivate me because she's a fatty, too! Of course it isn't her fault...she and I were both brought into an inactive family. The only people that really understand me are my friends. And they can't even help me if I can't help myself. This makes me think of "I Used To Be Fat," and how I told Blithe that I would pull an "I Used To Be Fat" and get skinny. And I look at the mirror at my beautiful face that I somehow got from my parents and wonder, Why can't anyone see this part of me? And I think, All I really want is love.

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