Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Twitter Fenzy

You know what? I just thought of something! I can totally finish a novel this summer! I have about 2 or 3 know, in journals scattered across my room. I got this idea after my gross run outside around my was gross because not only was I getting sweaty from the late afternoon sun...but I spotted a piece of douche from one of the neighborhood dogs. And there were mosquitoes! Not that this has ANYTHING to do with starting a novel or Twitter...haha. Anyways, I just wanted to say I got really distracted because I tweeted about 7 times in the past 3 min. And I just took a break from writing this to tweet that I'm gonna write a novel this summer! Hooray! Hooray!!
Haha, anyways, I feel really loopy right now from I'll just get back to trying to remember where I put my creative writing journal. ;)

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