Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I actually got to watch Pretty Little Liars on time this week! Haha, no hulu for me! And it was amazing. Everyone except Dan and Dad went out tonight to visit some chick named Rhonda (don't ask, I have no idea), so the TV was as free as can be! Some recording things came up, which was mega annoying, but I zapped those little pests. I'm so sick of no one wanting to watch any of my shows and having them always talk smack about them. I never talk smack about Family Guy or South Park, and to me these are two of the most annoying TV shows in America today. I was really thinking about school today because I hung out with Rachel and school came up. And then in Pretty Little Liars, the girls looked so studious with their text books and binders...I got Seventeen today. and the back to school clothes are looking sweet! I can't wait 'til August when I get to go shopping at Marshalls and maybe Kohls. I only have a gift card to Marshalls, so I'll have to budget my money wisely at Kohls. No more $300 shopping sprees from last year. :( That was so much fun, though, and VERY worth it. Alright, gotta shower and get ready for bed...night! <3

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