Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dustin Milligan

Some actors just come and go. Like Dustin Milligan. I don't know why...he was one of the stars of 90210 back in season 1. Then his character moved to Minnesota or some random state like that; I thought he was going to come back...but nope. He played the character Ethan, and Ethan's love, Annie, moved on to other guys. Tyler. Jasper. Liam. It's so easy for these TV stars to move on to new things and new boys. I don't think this is very realistic. Most girls I know stay attached to the same boy. Even when they try to move on, they always end up going back to that first love. Like in "16 and Pregnant." Kailyn knew it wasn't going to work out with Jo and even started hanging out with a new boy, Jordan. But somehow she couldn't stop thinking about Jo. Granted, Kailyn and Jo have a baby boy together, so maybe that makes the situation different. More delicate. Anyway, Dustin Milligan was totally hot. I still have a poster of him in my room. I was OBSESSED with him for a while there; his face is practically obscure from the lip gloss marks everywhere. He just seemed so fun and carefree. And I don't really know where I'm going with this other than I feel kinda bad that an actor like him could disappear from the teen circuit.

This is actually the poster I have in my room! Amazing how that worked out. :)

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