Saturday, May 21, 2011

Summer Boots

A little while ago I read an article in Seventeen (no surprise) that featured Miranda Cosgrove. She said her favorite shoes were these boots that she bought a long time ago and she can wear them all year round. She said they're pretty beat up now, but somehow they look cooler (along those lines). I can believe that; most of my clothes are beat up, and it's a challenge to make them seem fresh or vintage. So, anyway, I was wondering what kind of boots I could wear in the summer. In the past summers, I have worn only sneakers or flip flops. I haven't really had to dress up for anything. So I typed "summer boots" into Bing, and you wouldn't believe the results!

They're more rain boot than anything else. They have that edgy combat boots trying to be girly feel, and they would be awesome to wear on a summer's day when it's raining...but definitely not the type of shoes you could get away with wearing almost every single day like Miranda's.

They have merit, but I can only picture myself wearing these shoes to the club or a really rad party where everyone dresses up. The colors? Black and gray actually looks good. The purple you can only wear with certain outfits. The pink AND purple? Eh.

They are too wintery. I can picture myself pairing these with skinny jeans and a scarf, not a summer dress.

Just no. Maybe for Rachel's little sister. 

Now these are more like it. And I didn't even find this image on any of the Bing websites...I went to Bing Images! I guess I should have done that in the beginning haha. But what I figured out is that summer is mostly for the open toe shoes like sandals, flippy floppies, wedges, sling backs, etc. But I gotta say the yellow ones and the bluish/greenish (I can't spell torquise) ones look extra cute! Gots to try the summer boots thing soon!!

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