Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Literally Nothing

I literally did nothing yesterday and I still manage to not write on this blog? That just makes me angry. So you can guess that I have not started those two big things I wanted to start on. Well, I guess I can't do much with the marketing goal right now except maybe do my homework and study, which are steps that lead to cognating in marketing and everything to do with school, which is my main focus. I don't have a job right now. I'm all set to work at my camp again this summer, but in the meantime, I have to focus on school. Last semester, I made the Dean's List, but right now I only have an 81 average in Math- I need to bring that up. And there aren't any real reasons or excuses for why I haven't been running besides the snow. And I saw the weather report online, and they're predicting more snow tomorrow! I really just need to step up my game and be the better person I know I can be. :) >:(

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