Saturday, March 19, 2011

Who I Am Obsessed With!!

Her name is Avril Lavigne, people! Yes, I know I promised that I'd write every day of Spring Break, but technically I'm not really on break until Monday because I actually did have to take a midterm yesterday and I'm usually off on Saturday and Sunday anyway...SO I technically didn't break my promise, although I'm sad anyway.
Avril Lavigne has been my favorite singer since Sk8r Boi came out in 5th grade. I'm about to order her expanded album with her DVD as soon as I get to my room for my debit card. Another tab is open, and all I have to do is click "confirm" and within two business days I'll have it! All mine!
So for the past two days I've been talking about celebrity there a theme developing here? What the hell, I don't care! Haha, I love Avril.
Alright, time to include a picture and sign off. I just wanted to include a little quickie to satisfy myself. :) And my loyal fans. <3

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