Friday, February 18, 2011

Bikini Season...'s coming! I'm looking to get in shape anyway, and haven't worn a two-piece for almost three years! I'm young, I'm hot, and I deserve to wear a bikini! I really loved the mixmatched bikini look in Seventeen, and I am determined to pull it off! Granted, it's going to be hard: I already broke down by having a poptart this morning...but my jeans falling apart is just getting ridiculous. I will not give up like Tanner from "I Used To Be Fat." Which reminds me: I plan on watching an episode of this online every time I feel like over-eating. This disease called sugar tooth will not overcome me!

What I look like now...(well a couple weeks ago)

What I will look like by June... (from Seventeen. <3) 

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