Saturday, April 30, 2011

Comedy Act

Tonight I sat by myself in a huge auditorium, but it was almost worth it because the comics, especially Anthony, were amazing! I think what made Anthony the funniest was due to the fact he would tell a story, and then it would take a sudden twist and he would say something I don't think anyone was expecting. :)

Everyone is coming back from the clubs right now...well Shanikwa and Quiana at least. I didn't wanna go out because I didn't wanna spend any money I didn't have to, especially with the NYC trip tomorrow.

I have to get up early tomorrow, but I'm really not tired at all. Last night was an amazing sleep. Or should I say an amazing morning sleep? The window wasn't open, so not only was it nice and toasty, but the Farnham construction did not wake me up. :)

I'm hoping tomorrow will be okay...the trip to NYC and UNH.

Alright, these are just a lot of random thoughts...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Makedown

When I am visiting other girl's rooms (or using their TV), I often go through the things left on their desks. A lot of the times I usually find new books to read. This is exactly what happened when I visited Angelica and Chenae's room to watch Glee and 16 and Pregnant. I found a book called (you guessed it), "The Makedown." It's about a young woman who grew up overweight and nerdy but moved to New York to change herself. She met a woman, who happened to be her boss, who helped her to lose the weight, treat her acne, wax off some unwanted facial hair, and get a social life. In the point I am at now, the main character, Anna, has not yet met the guy described at the back of the book who receives the makedown. However, she has dated a  few people. When she does date her dream guy, she apparently wants to protect him (but mostly herself) from him meeting other women who would steal him away. Since he is that good looking. So she prepares a makedown including some nostril hair, beard, odor, bags under his eyes, and back fat, just to name a few. I can't wait for her to meet Mr. Wonderful and for the makedown to commence! The description says it will create some unexpected drama and laughter...sounds good to me! :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ms. Magazine

A couple minutes ago, I would have written "Miss Magazine" as the title. I first heard about this magazine in English class today. It is not a fashion magazine or even a magazine. It is a movement. It started in 1972, and the magazine is still going strong, addressing women's issues in America. I thought I would include the "about" section from the website since it was so inspiring and heart-warming for me to read. :)

"When Ms. was launched as a "one-shot" sample insert in New York Magazine in December 1971, few realized it would become the landmark institution in both women's rights and American journalism that it is today.
The founders of Ms., many of whom are now household names, helped to shape contemporary feminism. According to founding editor Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Ms.' authors translated "a movement into a magazine."
Ms. was a brazen act of independence in the 1970s. At the time, the fledgling feminist movement was either denigrated or dismissed in the mainstream media -- if it was mentioned at all. Most magazines for women were limited to advice about saving marriages, raising babies, or using the right cosmetics.
When the Ms. preview debuted-carrying articles on subjects such as the housewife's moment of truth, "de-sexing" the English language, and abortion, the syndicated columnist James J. Kilpatrick jeered that it was a "C-sharp on an un-tuned piano," a note "of petulance, of bitchiness, or nervous fingernails screeching across a blackboard."
And after the first regular issue hit the newsstands in July 1972, the network news anchor Harry Reasoner challenged, "I'll give it six months before they run out of things to say."
But Ms. struck a chord with women. Its 300,000 "one-shot" test copies sold out nationwide in eight days. It generated an astonishing 26,000 subscription orders and over 20,000 reader letters within weeks. By the time Ms. celebrated its 15th anniversary in 1987, Reasoner, media soothsayers, and the nation had all been pressed to change their tune.
Ms. was the first U.S. magazine to feature prominent American women demanding the repeal of laws that criminalized abortion, the first to explain and advocate for the ERA, to rate presidential candidates on women's issues, to put domestic violence and sexual harassment on the cover of a women's magazine, to feature feminist protest of pornography, to commission and feature a national study on date rape, and to blow the whistle on the undue influence of advertising on magazine journalism.
Ms. was the first national magazine to make feminist voices audible, feminist journalism tenable, and a feminist worldview available to the public.
Today, the magazine remains an interactive enterprise in which an unusually diverse readership is simultaneously engaged with each other and the world. The modern Ms. boasts the most extensive coverage of international women's issues of any magazine available in the United States.
And the magazine's time-honored traditions-an emphasis on in-depth investigative reporting and feminist political analysis, the Ms. Women of the Year Awards, and the renowned "No Comment" section-have been supplemented with discussion of such subjects as environmental feminism, women's work styles, and the politics of emerging technologies, bringing a new generation of writers and readers together to create the feminism of the future.
Unique, outspoken, and hard-hitting, Ms. has consistently faced down financial instability and advertiser resistance. From 1978 to 1987, Ms. was published as a nonprofit magazine through the Ms. Foundation for Education and Communication. In the ensuing decade and a half, Ms. had four different owners and adopted a revolutionary and extremely popular advertising-free model.
On Dec. 31, 2001, the Feminist Majority Foundation, run by president Eleanor Smeal, assumed ownership of Ms. through Liberty Media for Women, LLC. A consortium of feminists -- including Marcia Gillespie and Gloria Steinem, as well as businesswomen, students, philanthropist, and activists -- had been publishing Ms. under Liberty Media since 1998. Gillespie and Ms. co-founder Gloria Steinem were thrilled with the partnership.
"This is the perfect marriage of information and action," said Gillespie. "I cannot imagine a better gift for Ms. readers than a future strengthened by synergy with the Feminist Majority Foundation and the leadership of Ellie Smeal."
Ms. operations are now located in the offices of the Feminist Majority Foundation in Los Angeles and Arlington, Va., but the change of venue has not changed the scope and depth of information that Ms. has always delivered. Ms. continues to be an award-winning magazine recognized nationally and internationally as the media expert on issues relating to women’s status, women's rights, and women's points of view." 

The odds that I'll be able to work for Seventeen when I grow up is slim, so I have to keep my options open. If I land a job at Ms. Magazine, I do not think it will be the end of the world. <3 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Glamour Magazine

For the first time, I'm reading through Glamour Magazine. First impression: it has really small print. Second impression: they pay close attention to detail (except the print size I guess). Third impression: they really know their fashion and gear it toward real American women. Seventeen gears more toward the young women either leaving high school soon, in college, or just out of college.  I look through Seventeen and can barely find anyone who shares my body type. Glamour even has a Finance section and a poll talking about marriage. Sure I think about marriage sometimes but not all the time (I kinda have to get the boyfriend part established first haha), and I certainly am too young, too immature, and not independent enough to have a husband. I still have to look through the mag more, but based on what I know right now, Seventeen still takes the cake for my favorite magazine! But I am thankful for having it in my Easter basket today anyway just so I could experience it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I'd like to think when I was in foster care 2  years of my life, I was not as ungrateful, negative, and lifeless as Dan is. As I think back on it, I think I behaved so well because I believed if I was good enough I could go back to living with my mom and brother. I didn't really understand where my brother was at the time. He just seemed to be floating in a cloud somewhere and would reappear when we had visits. I didn't realize he was starting a whole new life. I wonder if that's what Dan's younger siblings are feeling right now. All I know is that he has a girlfriend who he talks to constantly on his cellphone with (how he has a girlfriend is a mystery to me), he has a critical sense of humor, and he treats my little brothers like they're dog food. It might not seem to be true at times, but my little brothers, all my brothers in fact, mean the world to me. I want nothing more than to see them succeed in life. I have big dreams for all of them. To see this kid, Dan, who my parents decided to take in and give him food, shelter, and guidance (nothing but nice things), treat my little brothers this way makes me want to punch Dan in his nose. Straight into his nose.
Dan has to go to Cromwell for his schooling (he stayed there during the process of him finding a home). So while he's still in school and staying with us, he has about a 20 minute commute from our house to the "school." He could have been stuck going to a home in say New Haven where it takes about 40 minutes to get to Cromwell. He should be grateful. As I said, I acted pretty well for a lost girl who had her life taken from her. Maybe it's because he's 17 and has not had the chance to have regular values instilled in him. I don't know. All I know is this guy is irking me to no end, and I'm filled with joy about the fact he's not going to ruin Easter for me and my family.
I can't even look into his eyes now that I know about his past. At least my dad told me the other day my mom and dad's plan does not include adopting him. For one, I can't imagine having another brother. And for another, I can't imagine ever having HIM as another brother. This might sound mean, but it's just the way I feel. And no one can change that.

Dan's father. (Not really). 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Get a grip, Man!

Or woman. In this case, I'm talking about my mother. Who knows how private this blog will be kept with my mother now following me on TWITTER. That was my way of expressing myself without my mother seeing all my posts. But now I can't even do that anymore. I've been treating this blog as an online journal of sorts and Twitter is like a mini version of that. How many Moms are allowed to read their daughter's journal? Not many!
I'm typing this on a school computer because, alas, my laptop is acting crazy. I cannot type at all. I couldn't even log in to my email at because that requires typing a password. Crazy, right?
Well, I'm off to grab some lunch, finish packing, and be ready for my dad to pick me up later (kind of as in maybe 1/2 hour to an hour...ahhh I'm so last minute).
The only thing I do wish I did was copy my Kasperksy Software review because some of you might find it entertaining. :)
Oh, well, it'll be posted in about 72 hours (according to them, anyway).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When Everyone Flipped the Script...

...I was on the next page.
Shortest blog of all-time because I'm too antsy to blog.
Get it, girl!

It's Registration time!

I'm up and getting ready to sign up for classes! I'm gonna take on a full load of 6 classes since I fell behind this semester. 3 Journalism classes (which is great!), Music, Physics, and Marketing. Yay! :) 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

6:01 am

Registration tomorrow! I'm so excited! I can't wait to actually have a vision for what will happen next semester. Though I'm not sure how rooming with Jasmine will work out and whether Desiree and I will be as close as we are now, I'm confident that my new classes will bring me a new joy for school. Haha, I think I'm being a tad over-dramatic. But oh well.
Tonight I overate at Conn with Caitlin and Kara (ahem) Marie, went to BJ's with Steph, Kristin, and Angelica, and hustled to the basement of Hick for Bible Talk. Tomorrow morning is full as well: I'm going to register for classes, hop over to Engleman for the French Club bake sale, eat breakfast, I guess hang around for a little, and then I have class 'til one. Then I have to study for Math, take the silly quiz, and relax with Top Model.
Wow, this is probably really boring: I'm just going through all my plans for tomorrow. Oh, well, I don't care. :)
I just can't wait 'til next semester!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fast Forward...

I've been watching Adam Sandler movies lately, so I guess his remote control situation has been stuck in my head a little too much. It might sound bad, but I really want more than anything to hit fast forward. That way, I'll be out of college, I'll have a job, a car, a license, internship done, and an apartment. Hopefully some other things, too.
It's been a long time since I've talked about fashion, which was what this blog was all about when I first started writing. I don't know why exactly I stopped being informed about it...but the biggest reason is my lack of money and motivation to stay informed. All I've "read" this month is staying posted on what's been coming out of Bebe, Vogue, and a couple others (not that Vogue is a clothing line obviously, but what they've written about). And this has been mostly from Facebook.
I'm just annoyed that I have to do all this stuff. And I don't even have a job right will I ever have the energy? >:o(

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Writer's Block...

...Except when it comes to my blog...of course. I'm supposed to be finishing my 7-page paper and I have no idea what to write. And I'm only about half way done. I'm thinking about just skipping out on English tomorrow so I can recover from this sickness. Even if I do end up finishing's going to be horrible. I don't think handing in a rough draft is worth the inevitable (I hope that's the right word) humiliation. So I'm choosing instead to watch re-runs of my favorite shows instead. But still go to bed a bit early (since Des isn't here), so I can wake up refreshed and cured tomorrow morning. Of course there's still exercise science which I don't think I should skip, so I still have to get up at the same early time which sucks. Oh, well, I have the whole weekend to sleep it off...except for the fact that I might be going out tomorrow night and hitting the mall for some much needed bras. (I can't even find my navy one). Plus the writing that I'm disgustingly behind on. :/ Happy writing?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?

I'm spending the night watching old episodes of Pretty Little Liars because I'm that cool. Sigh. I can't wait for the weekend...I seriously need some rest from this rumble and jumble.

There Go Them Birds

Currently it is 12:57 in the morning and I have a lot to do. Like start writing my research paper due in two days. Like write my papers (two). Like finish my live event piece for Kovner. But I don't feel like doing any of that. I just feel irritated. I blame it on PMS. Sorry to get so graphic, but I really don't care at this point. And those silly birds are still chirping away outside my's mad annoying.
But the night in general wasn't all bad. I had to go to dinner by myself because Kara was in class, Caitlin already ate and forgot to invite me, and Morgs never answered my text. But it was fine. I treated myself to some vanilla cake with thick vanilla frosting. Plus three cookies. But I've been sprinting lately so I didn't feel that guilty.
I proceeded to walk back to my dorm and watch the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon for about an hour before setting off to Open Mic Night. It was fun because both Kara and Jourdan, a girl from the People to People Club, were there so I didn't have to be alone again at another Crescent Players event. And the Crescent Players seemed pretty happy to see me too. (But they are actors). Everyone was in high energy mode, so it made me feel happy. Happy enough to start typing notes into my cell to use to write a live event story. Some things made me angry like this guy telling cruel baby jokes and another guy telling a sickening joke about a Hillbilly. They weren't funny at all. Plus one of them dropped the microphone on the floor with a big clang: no respect for the equipment.
On top of all that, at about 9:00 pm both Kara and Jourdan decided to leave early. Kara said she needed to "study" and Jourdan said she was too tired. Wow. But then Matt did an amazing performance with his guitar and a song that he wrote himself that actually WAS funny. Lol, and then I had to run in the rain...I took my sweatshirt off and had on kind of a skimpy tank top and this guy just stared at me. I proceeded to run away from him into the rain. :) I ran all the way to Conn Hall, rested for about 30 seconds, and then ran to my dorm. One girl was like, "You better run, girl!" It actually kind of made me laugh. Then I had to knock on my hall's door because I forgot my hoot loot in my room. It's alright though: the run gave me energy... unfortunately, it kind of turned into negative energy because I've been cranky for the rest of the night. And Desiree has definitely noticed. Luckily, she's cool enough to understand.
Everyone is making their schedules for next semester. My JRN 210 class decided to disappear, along with 270, but then they kept on popping up, too, so maybe...I'll just have to wait til registration gets closer...I'm not sure what to do if I'm stuck without either of them. I guess I can take a history class, but I wanted to save that for Middlesex...which reminds me that me and my mom have to have a conversation about money, jobs, and Middlesex.
I'm gonna call it a night...I hope this crabbiness wears off come the morning.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Amazing Weekend

I can't put into words how amazing this weekend was. I feel saved. For so long I've been feeling like I have to change so many qualities of myself to be the "perfect me." No! I just wanted to be in the hands of God again...because anyone who is in God's hands is perfect in His eyes. And that's all that matters. I have also realized what a complete wrench I've been in the past. So many sins I have been doing and not even realizing it! I really know my path now more than ever. And that is to serve and trust in God.

I reread this and realized I used a handy tool in the place of a wretch. 

Dancing on the Cape

Tonight I attended the most banging dance I've been to in a while. Now that I am used to clubbing around New Haven, attending a church dance is no sweat...but not literally haha. Never wear jeans to any event you know you'll be dancing a lot...because the after effects are not fun. And my hair was a hot mess. But, it was really fun. In the beginning I was mad because they were playing these Spanish songs you can only dance with for a maximum of three songs. They played what seemed like ten. After the tenth song, I went with Morgan to get a drink just to be somewhere else besides the dance floor. But then after that, I guess the DJ woke up because he started playing songs from the top 40 playlist. That's more like my music. After that I danced basically nonstop until a guy started teaching this impossible dance I couldn't grasp. So then I went to the bathroom to freshen up and met yet another sweet girl. I've been meeting a bunch of new people...most girls, some boys. There's even a couple of girls who said they go to Harvard! Like, what? Get it, girl! (Haha, April has been saying this all weekend. I think it's one of her catch phrases along with rewiiiind). I can't wait to go to the beach tomorrow morning. I might roll up my pants and just wade a little. This weekend has been incredible...I'm gonna be so sad to see it end tomorrow. Then I'll have to get back to reality with the Math exam tomorrow and the paper due Wednesday (among other things). I'm just waiting for Morgs to be done with the shower and after I'm clean it's straight to bed because it's another early day tomorrow. <3

I really can't wait to run down that beach with the sand in between my toes and God's breath brushing against my cheeks. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Church Retreat

Here I am! Cape Cod! And it is beautiful. We're staying in these awesome Villas which are these apartments I can picture myself living in someday maybe with a roommate or two when I get older. It comes with my opinion, much better than a hotel. Dishwasher. Fridge. Freezer. Pots. Pans. Dining room table. Even Wii Fii. Thank God.
And I've met some amazing people (first impression anyway). Becky. Megan. Michelle. Corey. Janny. I think those are their names anyway. Everyone is so friendly and open, it's hard to know I can go up to anyone and they would respond well. They're all passionate about Christ and helping people...I even thought about writing about the Retreat for Journalism...a thought anyway. Let's see where it goes. I'm still waiting on my midterm grade. :/
I'm bushed. And we have to get up early tomorrow. Good night for now. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Food and Gas Money?

Gas money I can understand. But, food? We're poor college students: it's not like we have a constant flow of groceries. If they'd told me on Tuesday I'd be okay with it- I'd just plan to raid Conn Hall ahead of time. All this last minute stuff is making me seriously annoyed.
So basically Morgan and Titus both contacted me tonight while I was enjoying Noah/Steve about how we don't have any stoves in the hotel so we should bring things like bagels, sandwiches, and drinks. So I gotta worry about breakfasts and lunches...oh, but don't worry they'll make us dinner. And we should bring extra money for snacks. Like we're rich people who can afford to buy petty snacks!
Sorry, I'm supposed to be this rant is gonna have to be cut short. Haha.
I'm still determined to have a blast in Cape Cod.

I don't know if this is where we're going, but it looked pretty. :) 


Ok, so not stars...but they kind of look like stars! What they really are include thousands of little cell phone screens. It was during...I wanna say either the Group 1 Crew or the Hawk Nelson performance at the Revolve Tour. It looked even more beautiful in person because I took this with my cell phone, which has ucky picture quality. The really bright light at the top left, if you couldn't tell, is the spotlight shining down on the stage. I look at this light in all its beauty and I sigh contently thinking about how maybe someone else is shining down on us all. Haha, I didn't mean to get all just came out. But I have been thinking about it a lot more lately because I've actually been attending Bible Talk, my Bible Study is getting more intense as the weeks progress, and this weekend I'm going on a church retreat in Cape Cod with Morgan and some members of her church. I don't really know what to expect...Morgan doesn't it will definately be an experience. And I plan on bringing my laptop so I can keep the world updated. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Late Night Homework

Here I am, trying to get some English reading done that I waited until the last minute to do. I just wanna get done with it so I can get back to my "world news update." Farmville wasn't working in Google Chrome, so I switched to Safari. The news icon at the top of the page distracted me. For a while I was reading about war, politics, and international relations before I realized I should get my English reading over with. Then I was talking to Jazzy, and I remembered my dear blog.
And that's all I'm gonna say because I'm tired as anything, so I gotta get this English done quickly, maybe read a few news articles, take my shower, and go to bed! :P

Such a creepy photo. Lol! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

My First A+

I was so shocked today when I received my first A+ in college on an English essay. And to think last semester I was getting F's and D's! Well, I can officially say my last professor was clearly crazy because here's a lady with the "Dr" title and everything...versus a man who cocks his head and stares at you like you're an alien from Mars. I'm glad I finally proved myself. I am a good writer!
Now, I have to prove I can write well in another class...Journalism. I did get my first A- in that class last week, but I feel it isn't enough. I need to improve my whole average. When I started school I told myself I would get all As in anything Journalism related. I already failed when I got the B in English last semester...and I'm failing again. There is no way I have above a B in Journalism...I've gotten more B-'s than I can count! I already received an extension on my midterm I have to do well on that and everything else I turn in from now on. I have to get all my grades up to par if I have any chance on making the Dean's List again this semester. Including Math. I'm even getting C's in that class. :( That's not who I am. There's another math quiz coming up on Wednesday, and I have to do well on that. And Exam II in a couple weeks. AND EVERYTHING ELSE! There's no excuses now.
I just have to prove myself. One breeze-through of Facebook, and the rest of this night is dedicated to my academics.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My New Love: Tucker Gardner

I've been staying at my good friend, Caitlin Gardner's house this weekend, and let me say, I'm slowly falling in love with her lovely dog, Tucker. Or maybe it's the other way around and I just feel extremely flattered. I usually get my feelings mixed up like this.
Well, to say the least, it has been a fantastic weekend. Revolve Tour was awesome: the only thing I wish is that I had enough money to also get the sweatshirt. And to buy a ticket to get some autographs on my t-shirt. And that I made more of an effort to hang out with Kara along with Caitie.
I loved Chad. He's like a the male version of a life guru. Not really, he just really has done a lot of research into the minds of teenage boys (having once been one) and shows up at Revolve to share his knowledge with us girls. Caitie said he once had a girlfriend but they broke up. I know he's too old for me, but I just want someone to steal his heart and treat him well.
Just like I have stolen Tucker's heart. <3 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fool's Day!

It's not like I did anything for April Fool's, but all the same...Apparently, Riley, Caitie's brother, pulled a few pranks on the Gardner household. He ended up switching the kitchen and the dining room completely around, and he moved around a bunch of random things like his father's Snapple and coffee pot. I heard a snippet of a prank that happened in Chase outside of my friends...I'm glad Chastity didn't remember to pull anything on me!
Switching gears here...tonight I had an amazing experience at Revolve Tour. And I know I keep on using the same adjective...Twitter, Facebook, and now here...amazing. Because there's no other way to describe it! I really want to buy a sweatshirt or at least a t-shirt so I can remember the experience forever. Maybe I can even have some of the musicians and speakers sign the back of it to make it even more special! Caitie says the lines are usually mega long, but maybe I'll get lucky.

I'm gonna wrap it up a little early here because I am dying to go to and learn this dance move everyone at Revolve kept mentioning. :)