Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ok, so not stars...but they kind of look like stars! What they really are include thousands of little cell phone screens. It was during...I wanna say either the Group 1 Crew or the Hawk Nelson performance at the Revolve Tour. It looked even more beautiful in person because I took this with my cell phone, which has ucky picture quality. The really bright light at the top left, if you couldn't tell, is the spotlight shining down on the stage. I look at this light in all its beauty and I sigh contently thinking about how maybe someone else is shining down on us all. Haha, I didn't mean to get all just came out. But I have been thinking about it a lot more lately because I've actually been attending Bible Talk, my Bible Study is getting more intense as the weeks progress, and this weekend I'm going on a church retreat in Cape Cod with Morgan and some members of her church. I don't really know what to expect...Morgan doesn't it will definately be an experience. And I plan on bringing my laptop so I can keep the world updated. :)

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