Thursday, April 14, 2011

Writer's Block...

...Except when it comes to my blog...of course. I'm supposed to be finishing my 7-page paper and I have no idea what to write. And I'm only about half way done. I'm thinking about just skipping out on English tomorrow so I can recover from this sickness. Even if I do end up finishing's going to be horrible. I don't think handing in a rough draft is worth the inevitable (I hope that's the right word) humiliation. So I'm choosing instead to watch re-runs of my favorite shows instead. But still go to bed a bit early (since Des isn't here), so I can wake up refreshed and cured tomorrow morning. Of course there's still exercise science which I don't think I should skip, so I still have to get up at the same early time which sucks. Oh, well, I have the whole weekend to sleep it off...except for the fact that I might be going out tomorrow night and hitting the mall for some much needed bras. (I can't even find my navy one). Plus the writing that I'm disgustingly behind on. :/ Happy writing?

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