Tuesday, April 19, 2011

6:01 am

Registration tomorrow! I'm so excited! I can't wait to actually have a vision for what will happen next semester. Though I'm not sure how rooming with Jasmine will work out and whether Desiree and I will be as close as we are now, I'm confident that my new classes will bring me a new joy for school. Haha, I think I'm being a tad over-dramatic. But oh well.
Tonight I overate at Conn with Caitlin and Kara (ahem) Marie, went to BJ's with Steph, Kristin, and Angelica, and hustled to the basement of Hick for Bible Talk. Tomorrow morning is full as well: I'm going to register for classes, hop over to Engleman for the French Club bake sale, eat breakfast, I guess hang around for a little, and then I have class 'til one. Then I have to study for Math, take the silly quiz, and relax with Top Model.
Wow, this is probably really boring: I'm just going through all my plans for tomorrow. Oh, well, I don't care. :)
I just can't wait 'til next semester!!

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