Saturday, April 30, 2011

Comedy Act

Tonight I sat by myself in a huge auditorium, but it was almost worth it because the comics, especially Anthony, were amazing! I think what made Anthony the funniest was due to the fact he would tell a story, and then it would take a sudden twist and he would say something I don't think anyone was expecting. :)

Everyone is coming back from the clubs right now...well Shanikwa and Quiana at least. I didn't wanna go out because I didn't wanna spend any money I didn't have to, especially with the NYC trip tomorrow.

I have to get up early tomorrow, but I'm really not tired at all. Last night was an amazing sleep. Or should I say an amazing morning sleep? The window wasn't open, so not only was it nice and toasty, but the Farnham construction did not wake me up. :)

I'm hoping tomorrow will be okay...the trip to NYC and UNH.

Alright, these are just a lot of random thoughts...

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