Sunday, April 24, 2011

Glamour Magazine

For the first time, I'm reading through Glamour Magazine. First impression: it has really small print. Second impression: they pay close attention to detail (except the print size I guess). Third impression: they really know their fashion and gear it toward real American women. Seventeen gears more toward the young women either leaving high school soon, in college, or just out of college.  I look through Seventeen and can barely find anyone who shares my body type. Glamour even has a Finance section and a poll talking about marriage. Sure I think about marriage sometimes but not all the time (I kinda have to get the boyfriend part established first haha), and I certainly am too young, too immature, and not independent enough to have a husband. I still have to look through the mag more, but based on what I know right now, Seventeen still takes the cake for my favorite magazine! But I am thankful for having it in my Easter basket today anyway just so I could experience it.

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