Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting in the Swing

This morning I woke up absolutely exhausted for no apparent reason. The only thing I could think of was that last night I had a horrible nightmare and I woke up in the middle of the night literally shaking. I kinda don't wanna get into it right now, and I have to make this a shorty anyway because it's almost my bedtime! Waking up at 7:00 am in the summer when I'm used to waking up at the earliest 8:30 am for's not easy. I'm just getting into the swing of, children, a routine...SHOOT I just realized I have nothing planned for tomorrow because I was way too into The Kite Runner, an amazing book by Khaled Hosseini. I already read one of his books and it was SUPER! But ughhh I really wanted to finish this one scene, and's PAST MY BEDTIME. And as I freak out...let's wrap this mother up! :)

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