Wednesday, January 12, 2011

But First Let's Comment On The Weather

I promised you a post that reflects on where I got all my wonderful knowledge on fashion, but I just had to bring my beagle out to do her business, and I've never seen so much snow in my whole life! I'm serious, and I used to live in Enfield in an apartment complex with huge snow banks my brother and I used to climb all over. I thought my brother was exaggerating when his Facebook status came out as, "This is awesom the snow at my house is up to my shoulders." But he wasn' all! Even though he is my little brother of 12 years old, you would never think the snow level would ever exceed his thighs even! Connecticut has experienced the worst (or best) snow storm in the history of my eighteen years! And I have to include the pictures I managed to take with my camera phone while I was out there. 

And I can't figure out how to make it all double spaced, so it's gonna be be posted like this. :P 

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