Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crazy Professors

I really can't deal with these professors right now. I have so much homework it's obnoxious; it kinda reminds me of the first week of high school how it just seemed to add up, except it has only been two days here. I had a quiz today: I only had ONE day to study! What if I hadn't had my books yet? i would've had to rush to them, make my friggin index cards, and study like hell, stressing out and failing anyway? Well, the quiz didn't really count, thank God, and I got an 80% which isn't too bad, but still. And math...no quiz, but so much homework and I still don't have the friggin book, and I have to like go to the book store first thing in the morning and hope they're some used books still available. And English? The books aren't too bad (except the bookstore ran out, and I had to pre-order one of them), but the amount of writing is already stressing me out, and I like to write! I'm actually supposed to be writing an essay right now (due two days after the first class), so I better get to it. 

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