Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My First Semester Of College

"All my life I've been good, but now I'm thinking what the hell?" Gotta love Avril Lavigne! She has been my favorite singer since I was in the 5th grade or something and Sk8r Boi came out. And these lyrics to her new single exactly reflects how I felt within the first two weeks of my first semester at college. At the beginning, I really did not know anything about the college life; I thought I did, but I didn't. I mostly knew stuff from what I'd read, seen in movies, heard from older friends, and had witnessed when I visited my brother at his college when I was a freshman in high school. But even from all that, I was too ignorant and naive to know what actually went down. For those of you that have already been through college or currently are in college, you know what I'm talking about. For those of you high school (or lower) bound for the moment, let me clue you in. As I said before in an earlier post, for the first two (give or take) months, I did not repeat an outfit. Here's a word of advice if you're thinking of doing the same thing: you don't see the same people every day (with the exception of your friends and maybe a couple of people you always walk by in the dining hall), so this is actually something you don't have to worry so much about. With that said, it's still fun to create outfits and scramble for a piece of jewelry that doesn't make you want to go on a jewelry spree. Another thing: big purses are only acceptable when you use them for text books. When you go out, say to a party in the next dorm over or to the Mexican restaurant downtown that doesn't card, people will definitely stare and ask you why you brought a suitcase with you. Those new/vintage purse with the slings? Those are the perfect purses for these types of occasions, and this kinda makes me mad because before I knew the purse rule, I was shopping and purchased a giant orange purse I was sure would be desirable in the spring which now I deem just daring. It's better than the giant red purse I bought on the streets of New York last year, though I still carried that find around the dining hall in defiance. Another thing: sweat pants aren't a bad thing in college. When I wore them in high school, they were strictly for gym, track practices/meets, and pajama day. They made me feel like a bum otherwise...I wouldn't be caught in actual public wearing sweat pants outside of my specific occasions. (This is why I was often embarrassed by my mother's outfits and was worried the day we visited Quinnipiac University if she'd have enough sense to wear something decent. I didn't end up going to that school anyway). However, in college it's different. Even my stylish roommates choose to wear sweatpants to class. A word of caution: they have to be fitting, not ragged, and something you can pair with Uggs and a fitted sweatshirt with a lace tank top. In fashion, it's all about balance. I'll check in later with a post on where I get my incredible knowledge because I'm sure you're aching to know.  

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